Follow these 5 tips for healthy IVF pregnancy during Covid-19

Experts are telling us about 5 important tips for healthy IVF pregnancy during Covid-19.

There are more than 1.5 million IVF globally every year, helping to give birth to more than 400,000 infants. It is also interesting to note that overall, 0.3% of the worldwide live birth rate is from assisted reproductive techniques (ART) that include IVF treatment. But with the increase in Covid cases due to the second wave of Kovid-19 epidemic in India, many concerns and complications have arisen for pregnant women and their fetuses.

There are many physical changes during pregnancy that can make a woman more susceptible to Kovid-19 infections. These changes include maternal susceptibility to respiratory pollution, increased need for oxygen, and high risk of pregnancy. But the good news is that there is no documented disease transmission during IVF laboratory treatment (including embryos, cryopreservation, or storing) in any patient or recipient of donor reproductive tissues.

However, it is always necessary that everyone, especially pregnant women, take all necessary precautions against Kovid-19. To help mothers who have opted for the IVF procedure, we have listed 5 important tips for healthy IVF pregnancy during COVID-19. These tips are being told to us by Doctor Kaberi Banerjee, an IVF specialist and director of the Center for Advanced Fertility and Gynecology in New Delhi. Let us know about these tips in detail through this article.

Choose the right IVF center

Select an IVF center that follows all the necessary precautions related to Kovid-19. Pregnant women may also have to visit their IVF center for fertility treatment during an epidemic. Therefore it is important that you choose a center that follows all the necessary COVID-19 precautions. To ensure that all people are healthy, the center must conduct mandatory daily checks of its employees. Also keep in mind that appropriate social distancing, PPE kits and disinfection protocols are in place. As a patient you should also follow all protocols and avoid visiting the center if you or your family members are suffering from fever or any other symptoms associated with Covid.

Consult online

If possible, it is best to consult your doctor through an online consultation rather than going to the center to be safe and healthy . Also, keep in mind that you take your medicines on time and maintain a record for tracking your food and medication. This helps to provide better details to your doctor during medical consultation.

Do not delay IVF pregnancy

Do not unduly delay IVF pregnancy due to Kovid-19 . Data suggest that the risk of COVID-19 infection appears to be lower in women of reproductive age. This is more important if you are older and are troubled by infertility for a long time.

Stay active and don’t get stressed

Try to exercise at least 45-60 minutes daily to keep your body active and regulate the flow of blood and oxygen intake for the body. In addition, being overweight or underweight can be problematic for IVF pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to keep yourself active.

Get vaccinations

All international guidelines are suggesting that couples undergoing fertility should be vaccinated. It may be prudent to separate the date of vaccination from treatment such as egg collection for a few days to correct any symptoms caused by the vaccine, such as fever.

By adopting these tips, Healthy IVF pregnancy can be adopted during Covid-19. To read more articles related to health, stay connected with life.

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