Embryo Pooling @ AFGC

We presented our data on embryo pooling in, London, June 2023, at The Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynecology Annual Congress.

Low AMH is a very big problem in infertility. We collected the data of 45 infertile ladies who either have AMH of less than 1or an antral follicle of less than 4. We subjected them to series of ovarian stimulation, the first being an antagonist high does, the second being the long protocol high dose and the third being the testosterone gel followed by antagonist protocol.

Most of the cycles were done back-to-back and we found very encouraging results with almost a 40% pregnancy rate and 30% clinical pregnancy rate. We did find that younger couples did better than older and at least 2-3 good embryos grade A at cleavage stage yielded better response.

This is once of the few studies that gives hope to the ever-increasing population of women trying to conceive with low AMH.

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