Acceptance of Donor Eggs, Donor Sperms, or Donor Embryos in Indian Infertile Couples

Acceptance of Donor Eggs, Donor Sperms, or Donor Embryos in Indian Infertile Couples

Infertility is a medical condition, which is a stressful and unexpected experience by a couple attached with social dimension. The reduction or loss of natural fertility is further deeply painful in couples that are considering the use of donor gametes or donor embryos. Infertility is estimated to affect 8%–12% of couples worldwide.[1,2] The WHO estimates the overall prevalence of primary infertility in India to be between 3.9% and 16.8%.[3] For most of the couples that seek treatment for infertility, when told about the severe male or female factor problem, it is a shocking response for them. They experience low self‑esteem, stigma, and depression.